Thursday, August 18, 2011

Creative title for essay?

We're doing a paper on To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee....and we had to write it about one character, and I chose Scout. Can anyone help me with a creative title. All i have so far is Jean Louise Finch (Scout) i know, not very creative, that's why I need your help! Thanks!

Why can't we create ozone in laboratories?

Ozone is highly toxic and will rapidly dissipate. You'd need about a acre of plants to supply you oxygen needs. That was the basic idea of Biosphere 2 (which failed).

What are names that "Sadie" could be the nickname for?

We like the name Sadie. I think it sounds too much like a little girl though for an official name, I'd want a name she could grow into if she wanted. What is Sadie short for? Please list as many longer versions of Sadie as possible.

How many of you think political leaders should not attend the match between ind and pak?

I mean it's just a normal game. But bringing politics is different. This creates a lot of chaos. There should a lot of security for this and terrorists have planned to attack. Most of all the match is going to take place in Ind-Pak border. And media is building up everything. What if India loses????There are gonna be in big trouble.

Is this really true? If so, how do people cope?

Henry David Thoreau wrote in "Walden Pond", : The mes of men lead lives of quiet desperation." Is this accurate, or does it say more about Thoreau, than humanity in general? After all, how many people go out to live in the forest, away from their normal lives, or almost away from civilization, and then decide to write a book about it?

Blackjack 2 help! 10 points to best answer!?

How do I download the upgrade for the new Windows Mobile. If there is a link to a website were you can do it at paste it.

Why do I love my bodily smells so much?

I love the smell of my belly on because of the sweaty smell, I love the smell of my feet, I love the smell of my crack I love the smell of all the smelly things on my body, I even love the smell of feces, why is this? I am addicted to smelling these things, they make me feel whole.

Desperation leads to the worst choices?

If you're desperate you usually make decisions you don't want to do but have to. Have you ever regretted doing things out of desperation?

Was mannie ramirez using those "banned substance drugs" for his libido or for his game?

although i'm a huge dodger fan, im pretty sure manny used it to get bigger. If he needed it for other medical reasons, he could've and should have gotten permission from the league.

Poem in need of help unless spoken otherwise! What do you think of it?

This poem shows me a person that is feeling very guilty for past mistakes. It is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I would add to this and realize in your heart that the past is gone, the present is the only thing anyone can do anything about. Make the present so beautiful that the past will be forgotten.I would love to see you add to this. Very deep indeed!

How come Lloyd is suddenly back in Corrie, as if he's never left.? I rarely miss an episode yet there he was!!

I thought Craig Charles left cos of allegations in the papers about drugs, girls or whatever. Didn't Lloyd have a row with Steve over the ownership of Streetcars? How does he just walk back into the pub as if he just popped out last week (been waiting for a cab maybe?)

Which Smoke Detector is Better?

I need to replace the really old smoke detector in our house. Would it be better for me to get an install-it-yourself type detector from Home Depot, or get a monitored smoke detection system from someplace like Brinks or ADT?

Am I really goth[please read below first]?

I just hate stupid labels. You are who you are. I happen to wear a lot of black too and love William Blake, E.A.Poe and Shakespeare. Chaucer is awesome too. I'm not Goth either. *I just don't tan...ever!*

What Do Think About Mandy Moore?

personally i think at the star of her carer for the first year or 2 she was like a Britney Spears wanna be. until she came out with her "Mandy Moore" album in 2001. and her movie a walk to remember came out. That album was probably the best album made in that hole teen pop area like it was teen pop but it was shitty stuff. and her movie was really good. that's when i think i started respecting even though i hate teen pop. she seemed more mature then the other teen pop singer her age at that time. shes like the only one as well that never went off the wagon and became dirty to sell music, like britney christina and jessica did. i just saying all this because i got her album "Wild Hope" today, and im very impressed it reminds me of something Sarah McLaughlin would do. its a really big switch from her other stuff. now im a true fan and respect her

Really Helpful Studying Tips and/or Habits?

I have eight exam periods this week and I really need to study for them but I don't know any good tips. My exam periods are orchestra (we just have to play a piece), English Lit., History, Science, Math, Multimedia(nothing), and Athletics (nothing either). Can someone please give me some good study habits! Thanks in advance!

I have been eating great and working out almost everyday, but im not losing weight, what can i do?

I do yoga in the morning and i do kickboxing at night. i weigh 225 and i want to weigh 155-160. i thought for sure i could accomplish this by october 2010, but i am not losing weight! at all!! i eat breakfast lunch and dinner, always healthy. i eat a snack in between lunch and dinner, usually fruit or vegetables. i havent drank any pop at all since i started and have been drinking plenty of water.

ASVAB and MEPS time frame?

Im 17 now and in my Junior year. If i join the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) next week, would i take the ASVAB and go to MEPS soon after that, or would i wait until I finish the DEP.

What is the project's annual operating cash flow?

A companyu has a project expected to increase annual sales revenue by 830,000, total variable costs by 598,000 and total fixed costs by 110,000. The project requires a 450,000 investement in fixed ets which will be depreciated on straight line basis over the next five years. If the company's marginal tax rate is 35%, what is the project's annual operating cash flow.

Help making story characters?

I don't think i could help you because you haven't given us on yahoo enough information to help you like what your story is about ETC. if you told us that would help us alot!

Ok, does anybody know any similar bands to these?

ok these are the bands i like: patd, mcr, breaking benjamin. nevershoutnever, all time low, cute is what we aim for, and coldplay. does anybody know any good similar bands???

Im very bored nothing to do. plz help?

Be a bad ***. Get in trouble. Talk in british/Indian/russian accents to yourself. Drink beer(for flavor not to get drunk unless you want to). Put duck tape on the road and watch cars drive on top of it. Throw waterballoons at cars.

Tirumala hills, are they symbolic of 'Kundalini Jagarana'?

The human has 7 Chakra's also, the Muladhara Chakra, Svadhisthana Chakra, Manipura Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, Ajna Chakra and the Sahasraram Chakra. Jagarana as far as I can tell means wakefulness, so I read Kundalini waking. From what I can find on the internet about the Tirumala hills they are symbolic of the Kundalini waking because the sacred temple of Sri Venkateshwara is located on the seventh peak, I guess that is the abode of the Lord. I hope this helps.

I have a question about heater core location?

Can someone possibly tell me whereabouts is the heater core located on a 93 Plymouth Grand Voyager? Is it on the penger side inside? or ?

Something your friends and family should actually answer, in fact, ask them ...What is your trademark?

erflies...Im a tottal freak when it comes to erflies......I put them all over and I all ways manage to get birthday cards with erflies on them...This is a little harder for guys but yeah erflies.

What would be a good side to go along with this dish?

Sprinkle some cheese over the top and serve in a bowl with biscuits, mashed potatoes and corn (or cornbread).

If you could pick anyone to be the booker for TNA who would it be?

Someone on this forum once suggested Gabe Sapolski (sp?), the former booker for ROH. I don't know how good he'd be seeing as when he booked, he booked for Ring of Honor, which is nothing like mainstream wrestling, but his name is at least a break from the usual suspects people want like Paul Heyman or even Kevin Sullivan. If I couldn't get Heyman who would be my first choice because he has vision for the future, I'd give Saploski a test run to see how he'd do. I wouldn't pick Sullivan because I see him as someone who would push the past their prime veterans over the younger talent. Pushing veterans is fine, but we all know you need an equal mix of vets and younger talent with the younger talent ultimately going over the vets to get 'the rub'. If you push vets against vets constantly and make the younger guys midcard lifers, your company will not succeed

What do you think of frivolous law suits?

As the ones: fellow A touches me without my approval, or maybe I was able to sneak food(usually in large quantities) from Alberto's restaurant and I got food poisoning. So I'll sue, and who knows maybe the "Defensores" will be able to get me a monetary compensation, after all everyone in America has rights. Give me your opinions. This is a question, not ideas to actually be dishonest.

Was it hard for you to feed?

I'm only 5 months pregnant with my second child but I am already thinking about feeding .. I was really diappointed that I was not able to feed my first child for that long .. I kept on telling the nurses that it was really sore when my daughter was sucking and they said thats the way it suppose to be .. really??? Then about three days later my was extremely dry and bleeding all over .. I called the hospital and they said to cont. but I didn't feel comfortable so I formula fed. I also pumped alittle and that didn't hurt at all.. any tips that anyone would like to share .. I'm open ears :) Thanks!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tranferring to different attraction at Disney World?

Are you extending your program? That's going to be the best chance to request a transfer however, I can tell you that casting doesn't really care where you want to be and aren't going to transfer you just because you beg and whine, sorry but that's what it sounds like you are doing. Your managers have no say in transferring you to another location unless it's well b/c you can't work in theirs aka they say we don't want this person any more. It's all up to casting have you ever tried to pick up shifts at haunted mansion on the hub? I don't know what the training restrictions are but that might be your best chance to get to work the attraction though honestly your chances of getting a full time ignment transfer are slim. Sorry I'm sure that's not what you want to hear but maybe you should just do the best you can at the job you were igned.

Who likes Bon Jovi the band?

I LOVE THEM but does any one else? I am the only girl who likes it in my cl. Do you like them? (I love Jon Bon Jovi but Richie is cool too.)

Breath-taking piano songs?

I want to find an incredibly breath-taking piano song to learn for my girlfriend, but I'm having trouble. I would like a song like Ray Sharp - I Love You, Before Dawn - Isaac Shepherd, and A River Flows in You - Yiruma. I don't like clical artists like Beethoven. The difficulty of the song is of no concern to me. Any help would be very appreciated =]

Vote for the best company name. I will pick best answer in 2 hours.?

I would suggest that you look toward a name that begins with the letter "A". It is just good business to do so. This will guarantee your company to be the first company customers see when they look you up in an advertising book or mag. how about changing HTDA to AHTD Acoustics and Home Theater Design.

Do friends ever really last forever?

i only know one example my gma and her best friend have been friends for 67 years =] but seriously i am scared i dont want to lose my best friend =[ she is my bestestest friend than any of my old bffs that just drifted away i have known her for 6 months

English paragraph please help!!?

Foe translation services a href="" rel="nofollow"

Why are you happy or proud of yourself for right now?

How cool! Way to go! I've just learned I ped my Gov. final! But you have much better news! Good job!

I need to answer a question on narnia: the lion the witch and the wardrobe.?

the question is why is lucy a good example of someone who easily forgives others. give examples to support your answer. i dont really know. can you give me some examples. not alot just a few. :) thanks.

Can anyone tell me if this is a real Kurt Cobain autograph?

Never buy anything without a certificate and his signature is worth more than twelve dollars. At least in my opinion.

What is ratchet from ratchet and clank?

Its bugging me! at first i thought he was a cat and then some sort of cheetah thing but now i don't even know? could anyone tell me? oh! and if you know what to do after you blow up all the big spaceships on planet battle? the Plumber gave me some sort of thing that helps you find bolts in the ground and i don't know what to do? thanks!

Where would you rather live?

I'll take the land of Oz. Everyone should travel down the Yellow Brick road at least once in their life.

How does Felix Featherweight sound as a hip hop artist stage name?

i've been working on a mix tape series as a hip hop artist ( not like the "hip hop" on the radio) actual hip hop think of its as a mix of Kanye west and cool kids style beats with the lyrical pion of a Lupe Fiasco...

My hamster is losing weight, is he OK?

My best guess is that he lost weight due to being ill and that he's probably not very fond of any of you right now because of you having to administer the medication. I would keep an eye on him and make sure to give him time and the opportunity to bond with you or to at least earn back your trust. Hamsters aren't always the most friendly critters in the first place. If your hamster starts showing other signs of illnesses, bring him back to the good vet. Otherwise just do little things like read next to your hamsters cage and offer his some treats now and then so he can see that you're not just connected to horrible medication.

Which hip hop album release are you anticipating the most this Fall 2010 season choices listed in question? BQ?

The Hunger For More 2 blowed, No Mercy wasn't anything special, I doubt Nelly's album will be much, Redman's album seems like it sucked (by the other answers), and a Diddy album is definitely going to suck...

Am I still safe from European Tick Borne Enchephillitis?

In 2005 I had two Injections seperated by 9 weeks to give me immunisation for tick borne enchephillitis. I am travelling in August this year to the Czech Republic, am I still safe?

Will greenpois0n work with the ios firmware 4.3.3?

i have tried redsn0w with my new laptop in runs on windows 7 and for some reason when i run redsn0w and open up my files to get he ispw firmware 4.3.3 it says that there is no content from the folder. i dowloaded the firmware from osxdaily and felix bruns and neither work should i be downloading from a different site or what please help

Video games and sytems 2?

My dad said he has like $600.00.So i want to buy a really good video game system.Because on June 26 i am going to go to Colombia. So since i dont want to be bored which system should i buy? It has to be cheap aaround $110 to $340.I already have Ps2,game boy advance sp,hyperscan.And what game should i buy with it please CHEAP. And ether i get a video game system and game or i get the Asus eee pc[white].HELP

Could the good christian church do such a thing?

Considering the Inquisition and the many other "church" based atrocities...anything is possible.

What's the name of this Bon Jovi song?

I remember the video, a girl comes in and finds her BF in bed with another woman, but actually nothing is what it seems he has been through a chain of crazy events,like being beat up, locked in a trunk, thrown in the river... does anyone know what it's called? Thanks

What movie stars/singers have you met and what were they like?

ive seen hilary duff and hailey duff and they were very sweet. they said hi first, and smiled at me. R kelly was arrogant and so was jc chasez, mary j blige was a diva, 50 cent was real cool, samuel l. jackson was very down to earth and so was ellen degeneres, lebron james was cool/funny, carmelo anthony had better things to do, dwayne wade was sweet, ll cool j is very nice, and jay z was sweet, actually kinda shy... whats your experiences?

PLymouth Question?? Homework?

During tough times, he established Martial law and keep the colonists together through the toughest times. He did not marry Pocahontas though another John, John Rolfe did. Rolfe eventually cultivated tobacco and help the colony have a cash crop which insured its success.

What is the main economy in Colombia?

I have to write a paper on Colombia and I need to know what the main economy is. I'm only in 7th grade so it doesn't need to be anything deep and political or whatever. Just like what do they make there most money from, Coffee? Crops? Minerals? and if crops or like minerals what ones? Please I have searched all over Google and can only find really complicated explanations. I'm just looking for one word answers, for example - Corn. Coffee. Timber (but what it actually is in Colombia) Thanks you so much in advance =]

What is a good digital camera for taking pictures?

The nixon d3000 is really expensive, but i would like the same kind of quality or something that comes close to it in a camera that is more than 200 dollars. any ideas?

Our Golden is turning ONE this weekend...?

We have been feeding her 3 small meals a day. 1 cup of Solid Gold Hundenflocken with 1.5 cups of homemade organic stew. Now that she is going to be a year old, should we decrease her meals to 2 a day?

Lovely Bones Soundtrack?

Are you thinking of "Alice" by the Cocteau Twins? I know that song is in the movie, and it is gorgeous.

I didnt pick up a DEFENCE YET,What DEF should i pick up for week 1?

Minnesota all the way. Too many playmakers on that squad, and with Cleveland having to play catch-up most of the game, they will be trying to push the ball up the field with high risk pes. INTs and Sacks may come in bunches.

Can anyone edit my article its from a novel called the oustiders.?

Two young men are in the hospital today for showing their bravery. Ponboy Curtis and Johnny Cade saved several children from a burning church yesterday afternoon on top of Jay Mountain. Neither were worried about their lives. The children were placed outside the church unharmed. The brave boys were badly injured. Curtis is unconscious, bruised and has many burns on his body. Cade received a broken back as a result of a piece of burning timber falling on him. He has suistained severe burns and is in a critical condition. Dallas Winston, a friend of the two, went in and saved Cade, and as a result, injured himself. The two heroes said that, “they had been living in the church for a week”. The reason being that Cade murdered is beliedved to have murdered an eighteen year old teenager and the police were after them. The alledged murder is because of the ongoing fights between Socs (Socials) and Greasers. Socs are the rich people who live on the west-side of town and Greasers are the poor people who live on the east-side. Johnny is believed to have killed a Soc because one night because several Socs jumped on Curtis and Cade. Cade is alleged to have used a switch-blade and stabbed a Soc. Randy, best friend of the teen who was murdered even said, “it was the Socs fault and the boys were just fighting in self-defense”. Cherry Valance, girlfriend of Bob, a Soc, said, “Bob was drunk and was looking for a fight on the night he got killed”. The two boys have become national heroes. But still the boys have to appear in the court to prove themselves right!

I need help thinking of the shopping center out in texas?

And no its not in canton.. we are going to dallas soon.. and i heard there was a shopping area type thing kinda like canton.. and i was wondering what the name of it was. its not the gvine mills mall.. please helpp.. they said something about willie's or something like that..

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Where to buy beatles shirts?

You can buy Beatles shirts at walmart in the men's section or if you don't have a walmart, at music stores that sell clothing, you'll find them! :D Good Luck

Who is the best: Harry, Ron or Hermione?

My favourite one has always been Bellatrix Lestrange; she's such a deep character (love Helena Bonham Carter as the actress who portrays her also in the movies) and frankly I always loved her insanity and yet her admiration and love to Voldemort. I did love Hermione also.

Wuthering Heights: Heathcliff and revenge?

How does Heathcliff get revenge on cathy in Wuthering Heights? I know he does so one way by tortuing her daughter and Edgar Linton, but is there any other way?

A 54-kg person at the southernmost end of a 150-kg rowboat at rest in the water begins to walk to the northern?

A 54-kg person at the southernmost end of a 150-kg rowboat at rest in the water begins to walk to the northern end. If, at a given instant, her speed with respect to the water is 13 m/s, what is the velocity of the boat with respect to the water at that moment? [Hint: The initial momentum of the system (boat and person) is zero and momentum is conserved.]

Is there a nasal spry for allergies that leaves white stuff inside your nose?

Does a nasal spary for allergies cake up in your nose and look white? Im wondering because I had someone tell me thats why she has white stuff in her nose. HMMMM is this true?

This cute for skool? NO MEAN COMMENTS :)?

i dont really like the shirt from delias.. but if its your style then go for it. but the other two from jcpenney are cute for school.

More oil for U.S ?

The Saudis say they have located a new oil field so they can turn up the output for the U.S. The lie that I believed was the refineries are producing at full capacity. If they give us more oil, how will that help if we cant refine it any faster?

Dont you think the people that say Obama is a racist are overrating the power of the presidentcy ?

I believe these same people would of never voted for him anyway, racist or not!Let say there fantasy is correct Obama is a racist, having a white mother, being raised practically with no blacks around, raised in white privileged schools like Harvard and Columbia, dated white girls in the past. Okay lets say hes a racist.... A black president could not do anything to give blacks an advantage in anyway? He needs a black congress, people dont understand that. If he acted racist, he'd be impeached easily by a white congress. Bush has tried to send billions to Africa and failed because congress wouldn't let him... Affirmative action legislation could not and would not pas , the supreme court says its for states to resolve. How can a black president execute in a racist way... without losing his job and hurting his position in the black community... Answer is he can't run as a racist....

My mother's medication has a highly negative effect on her, but she thinks otherwise. What can I do?

If Lamictal is the only med she is on, there's your problem...they are treating the depressive symptoms but not the need to speak to your father about your concerns and have him talk to the doctor...she may not be aware that she could need a med change because when you're "up" you feel great! Nothing is wrong and you can do anything!! You don't feel you need any's a very difficult situation and makes bipolar harder to treat...each person has thier own unique med tail that works for them...looks like your Mom's doc hasn't found hers yet :(

Amino acids and fatty acids are examples of what?

amino acids, fatty acid, nucleotides, monosaccharides are examples of... Its on a crossword puzzle and I've look everywhere to find it but I can't the teacher never mentioned it.....Its a 8-lettered word with N being the third letter, E is the sixth and S is the last.

If there were an interventional God, do you think the first thing he would do is zip fundamentalists mouths?

After all, they represent him as being a tyrannical despot and cause a great deal of suffering and conflict in the world. If I were God, I want them sued for slander.

Fashion inspiration?

I look for magazines mainly and fergie is cool too, but magazines give more ideas, i have posted some spring fashion here, you could take a look too: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does this answer the question for school I kind of went off on a tangent I needed to fill the page?

columbus threw over the indians and made a lot of them slaves and brought european diseases haha i don't even think i answered your question lol but ya call me later haha i <3 ya!!!

Could Simon Cowell be the antichrist?

by god...i think you're right!!!! good thing i don't watch american idol. i heard all american idol viewers will be the first to be submerged in the cracks of the earth as molten lava comes pouring out when the apocalypse happens.

Does waiver helps me in coming back to USA with no probs at POE?

As long as you have a green card and a pport/uscis travel doent, you are ok to travel. You do, however, need to be sure that you are allowed to leave based on your probation. The only time they will check your background is when you renew your card or apply for another immigration benefit.

If your ancestors were forced to believe a book written by anonymous authors full of dogma hate & fairytales?

why would you continue to blindly follow it instead of finding your own true path to spirituality and enlightenment or researching what your ancestors believed in before they were converted by brute force?

Are Jake Gyllenhaal & Maggie Gyllenhaal Siblings?

Yah Maggie & Jake are sibilings and I think that Maggie & Katie Holmes have almost a resemblance to each other or am I the only one???

What to do when your friend likes the same girl?

I had the same thing with my friend and I simply told my buddy jokingly to leave her for me and he did. He even helped me to get friends with her. Just talk to your friend and ask him if it's okay with him. If he didn't take it very good, I suggest you simply back off a little or sort things out with your buddy first because buddies are buddies and girls are not worth losing a good friendship.

Would you buy a referbished Advent 8117?

No because they don't put up to date parts in them leave it and get a new one. It's a rip-off mate. Don't wast your hard hurned cash.

Is there a town/city by the name of Beethoven?

The Dutch word "van" (from/of) means that you are of a noble birth. Most of the time the next word is the name of a village, town or castle. But as far as I know there is not such a "Beethoven"

Why do MMA fans and MT fans brag that MT fighters will easily kill specail forces?

hmmm funny because there a Green beret whomade national headlines that Just joined the texas national guard, and he will be fighting pro in MMa, possibly UFc, and he is still a green beret in the TXNG

How can I cure this Sleeping disorder ?

I think you need a reason to get up. If I had to reason to get up i would sleep all day. Plan something early with friends or get a job or go eat breakfast out. You have to have a reason to get up.

I have already started with the basics of starting my own business, but I have a few questions.?

Your in school right now surrounded by educated people with experience in business. WHY TAKE ADVICE FROM SOMEONE WITH NO CREDENTIALS ON YAHOO ANSWERS! Talk to the department head for you business management major. Your idea is cool but not unique so your competition will be fierce. Banks will know this so good luck getting a loan right now. The Doc was right you are technically not a business until you sell something. Try building one computer and sell it on EBAY! That way you can get your name out there! EBAY has almost 40 million users and only around 1 million sellers. Hit up EBAY make some capital, see what the competition is doing. Get an EBAY store for $15 a month it will get way more traffic then a brand new website. The majority of small business's close within 3 years due to lack of capital & poor management or trying to advance to quick! Keep your DBA & license, hit up EBAY until you can attract enough people to your website. Your still in school so take your time if you are going to a well known school you will be able to come up with a great proposal for lenders and know how to run a business when you graduate. Walmart started as one store now there is one in every town, so anything's possible if you want it bad enough!

For British people, do you hate the traffic cameras? Are they absolutely EVERYWHERE, or what?

I was just in England on vacation 2 weeks ago and rented a car. After returning, I noticed a charge on my credit card. Turns out it was a ticket for driving in a bus lane while in Oxford. I don't even remember doing that. Of course, I was in an unfamiliar city and just diong my best to even stay on the right (left) side of the road! But apparently Big Brother saw me do it. I think it's so RIDICULOUS!! If it had been a real, live police officer, he/she might have let me go, realizing that I am a tourist who just made an innocent mistake. But the evil camera doesn't care and I am now out $65. Do these cameras miss nothing? I can't believe them. I hope they never get as widespread here in the US as they apparently are in the UK.

WDYT of these guilty pleasure combinations?

I think I'm glad you realize they should only be on a guilty pleasure list instead of a real consideration list. They're pretty rough lol.

What comes to mind when i say?

"Eh, mon, are you alive yet? or are you still waiting for the zebra finch to make us tea?"

What song is this from the movie Notorious?

I know it isn't Hypnotize. That's not what I'm asking. Its the instrumental I don't know. I know it's a remake from The Thin Red Line by Hans Zimmer. But I can't find the remake of the song. Help please? There is a link so there isn't any confusion

Is being gay or bakla acceptable now in the Philippines society?

I notice a lot of gay personalities and audience in game show being ridicule by Willie on his noontime show Wowowee. Yet every staff on the show are mostly gays, from the scriptwriters, istance PR to the floor manager at ABS-CBN. Before he is telling this gays not to wet themselves because they might multiply just like in the movie GREMLIN. It is funny really. I personally not against gay people, but I notice now that it is accepted by our society or their numbers are getting bigger? In the 1960's. Gay people do not exposed themselves. They hide their true colors esp. at night. So is the Philippines ready for the gay marriage just like in the UK, whereby by the famous singer Elton John invited the press for his marriage to his long time boy friend. Geez! What is happening to the Philippines? I am not gay, are you? It is raining outside, aren't they?

What are some really good books to read?

i like mystery,anticipation,love,intimacy,horro… and books that keep me at the edge of my seat ( or wherever im reading..haha) well i just recently got bak into reading books again and just wanted some honest opinions :)

I like this girl (not just trying to get with her) and i just cant tell if she feels the same way about me?

met this girl at the gym bout 2 months ago, for the next 3 days, she IMs me, leaves me facebook comments, says she wants to hang out MULTIPLE TIMES, sends me her number without me even asking for it. We hang out, i try to make a move, after i kissed her once, she turned her head. I apoligized 2 weeks later and she said its fine. She hadnt contacted me at all in the next few weeks(while i had been trying to), only time was when she saw me at church on easter sunday, and as soon as m was over she texted me saying I JUS SAW U, HAPPY EASTER. so i saw her at the gym lasweek and she kept following me around kinda (not in a bad way) and wanted me to go to grocery store with her? anyway, she asked me get coffe last weekend, so we went and it was good. STILL, she neverr contacts me first like she used to BEFORE we hung out? TODAY i see her at the gym again, AS SOOON as she sees me she goes I BEEN TRYIN GET UR ATTENTIONN BUT U DIDNT HEAR ME, IF U DIDNT DO ABS YET U WANna COME DO THEM WITH Me

My dog went to the vet today, but this afternoon she was acting funny...?

She was tucking her hind in and she was kinda wobbling or limping, and I felt her tummy and it feels kinda she constipated or did she just hurt herself a little bit?? She was doing a lot more jumping around than normal, plus the vet was feeling around her backside and doing normal vet stuff... If she's constipated, what can I do to make her feel better??

What u guys think of my two fantasy leagues?

that first team and the backups are golden boy.. nice pickupt on felix jones. hes going to be a stud.. good luck

Monday, August 15, 2011

After all the backstabbing and undermining by co-Democrats, does the Party deserved Hillary's respect?

Wait, it was Hillary doing the backstabbing and the mud slinging, she lost the nomination on her own. Talk about insecure, remember when Hillary whinned at a debate that everyone was picking on her................!

What do you think of my poem?

Honestly, it males me quite sad, being abused in the past, this touches my heart tremendously. This poem is great, I love this type of abstract poetry, and you concept and clarity is excellent.

The PSAT test........... D:?

if you are taking it tomorrow, i think its kinda too late. just review math formulas, vocab, get a good night's sleep, and have a good breakfast.Good luck!

Why Does NY Times Mention Hill-Thomas and Ignore the Allegations Against Clinton?

You have to ask? The New York Times is one of the most liberal rags out there. Of course they're going to trot out Anita Hill's allegations agaist Justice Thomas as FACT and sweep the allegations against Slick Willie under the rug. His wife is running for President, and the New York Times (along with the rest of the mainstream liberal media) is flat-out LYING to the American public saying Hillary is leading the polls. There have been at least half a dozen polls in the last month showing that Hillary isn't even leading the Democratic Presidential candidates -- and Yahoo is one of them (Obama beat Hillary by 4%). BOTTOM LINE: The media wants Hillary in The White House, and they figure if they keep telling the American public that she's the #1 choice the ignorant mes will believe it.

Where at Disneyland can I get the new Indiana Jones action figure?

I was there this weekend and I didn't see them. I looked at the shop across from the Indy ride and I peeked in at most of the other shops. Anybody know where to get them?

HELP compare and contrast catholicism and hinduism !!?

i have a comparative essay due in 3 days and i have to compare the similarities and differences between those two religions. i just need some background info on each religion - i feel very dumb :( comps?

who is going to be doing the afl footy tipping or dream team on the afl website this year, i certainlly am

If radio active iodine can be carried by the wind to western europe and america?

what is the point of western governments dictating to the public,that we should reduced polluting the air,when the chinese are still building power plants fueled by coal which pollutes the air which will be carried by the wind into western air space like the radio active iodine.any comments.

Am I getting less intelligent?

hang in there! I have heard that if you treat the brain as more a physical entity- like a muscle, it will lead to change in attitude etc. Things like this can snowball as you've pointed out, but do not let that get to you- be the change tiger! Go out and get 'em!

How do you like my Fantasy Football Team?

i like how you chose Selvin young, you know what they say about broncos O line, they have produced a lot of 1,000 yard running backs. i think kenny watson will be a good player too, rudi came off a injury, and hes showing signs of aging. good job, don't worry S Jax won't, hope that makes you fell better

If the website offering program you are using has a tool that checks for broken links:?

explain why you still need to check the links by hand. Can you name one situation in which a hyperlink would not be identified as a broken link by a website authoring program but would still be wrong and can only be detected by a human tester?

How will I know the name of my Guardian Angel and my igned Guardian Angel?

Angels are servants and messengers of God. They may at times intervene or ist in human affairs, but only by His will. Archangels are the chiefest among them. But no angel is at the beck and call of humans. If God sends an angel at any time into your life, you will not need to know that angel's name. The glory is supposed to be to God, not to the angel, which is a created being like yourself.

Looking for a little hope...?

I with you on this! I have none of my normal AF signs, no tenderness, not all that bloated, I'm not beyond hungry to the point I never feel full, I'm not at all as moody as I normally am before AF, I just don't feel like she's coming... I'm a bit irregular, cycles 30-47 days... I'm waiting until Friday to test as that will be CD45. I see a lot of people getting BFPs this month! Hopefully we'll get ours too!!! Baby dust to us!!!

My Brother's Girlfriend i think she's obsessive.?

My brother in which he's 19 and dating a 18 year old for the past month . every day i see them together from the minute i get home from school which is like 3:00pm to 4 am the next day. Everyday it's been like this. On weekends she is at our house earlier than any member of my family is awake except my brother and she comes at like 8:00am till 4 am the next day. I haven't been sleeping because of this. I don't like her because she took away my brother. He used to go on vacation with us but now he can't because he has his girlfriend and she doesnt want to loose her. Christmas time. He went to her house instead of our own. So christmas was a waste. I hate how she's always with him. When I had my Athletic Banquet which was 60 dollars for a person that isnt a member of Athletics and 40 dollars for athletic member. I myself had to pay both my brother and her tickets. She never said thank you. I regret for doing that. But i mean i was being a nice 14 year old i am. I wish she would stop staying hours. I really want to know what her parents are thinking. What do you think I should do. I can't stop faking it. It's harder than it seems. I'm usually kind and easy to talk to among her but deep down it's hard to talk to her because i never know what to talk to her about and i hate how she took things for granted.

13 year old athletics?

ok im a 13 year old boy i run the 200m in 23.8 and 400m in 52.9 there is a month left until the victorian championships. is there anything i can do to improve my times a bit in a month? like is there any training or anything i could do?

Flowers/plants for my outdoor pots? not frustrated.firstly,i think you need to ensure that what is related soils for your plants.After that,take care of them in the heat and direct sun.Let's follow the link below for further information..

What year was the song "Boom boom pow" made in?!?

I need to know in what year was the song "Boom boom pow" made in. By the Black Eyed Peas. Thank You!!!

I think I got ripped off, some comments please?

****, that water pump was expensive. but you didn't get ripped off. however, anytime you do a timing belt job, you MUST do all the seals as well, which you did not. If the cam shaft seal or crank shaft seal starts leaking oil, your gonna have to pay a mechanic to go back in there for another $300 because of the labor, rather than if you just did the seals while doing the timing belt it would have cost $40 cause its down there next to the timing belt.

Cant get web cam to work in built/advent.k200?

Most likely you need to install the right drivers, go to and type in the name and model of your webcam

What's a paradox?

Consider, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg". There is no rational way of determining it.

Did I make a good trade (PS3) Madden 10 Franchise?

Seems solid. Can't find anything wrong with that. Draft picks are pretty much useless unless you are playing 10 years in a row.

Do Americans count down the days to Christmas with a chocolate advent calendar?

I used to love them when I was a little girl when my grandpa would buy them for me and my sister and now he buys them for my nephew. I used to love them on some days I would eat more than one piece of chocolate though.

How do I get access to a train for my video?

I am a young filmmaker and I usually get forced to write my scripts around the resources that are available to me and I am starting to change that but here's my problem. I wrote a script that must become a polished video by Sunday, and for the most part that would be easy, but there is a scene where a dog stops at a railroad track, and waits until a train pes by. Furthermore, a boy inside the train must tell the conductor to stop the train so him and his family can get out and retrieve their lost dog. How on earth am I supposed to film that?? I don't know the first thing about getting access to trains!!

Why doesn't Ron Paul question the constitutionality of Court mandated craporate personhood?

Why would anyone want to read the Constitution? That would make it too difficult to support one's prejudices.

Does anyone have any ideas for spirit week hallway decorations?

Each year, each grade gets a hallway to decorate. This year the juniors have the math hall with 17 doors. we need to pick a theme and decorate each door with it. (c/o 2012) our school mascot is the vikings.

Please answer this question, its a big problem?

yeh she likes you else why would she say that as loud... it was for you to hear and plus she knows that you are shy so she obviously waits for a girl to approach her... ask her out or start to get to know her a bit better gd luck

What song is this? I'm so hypnotized by the way you move, can't help the things I do."?

I think T.I. is on the track, I don't even know if those are the right lyrics. The song is pretty new though.

Is there a part of the world where drug smugglers are more easily able to bribe cops, government officials in?

order to avoid jail/prison sentences? i.e. costa rica, colombia, brazil, ect....? is cocaine the only drug in the world that is virtually illegal everywhere? in what part of the world is it easy to bribe law enforcement officials in order to smuggle illegal drugs? how is it that drug cartels are formed? through legitimate business people? how is it that sometimes international drug cartels are big enough to rival governments in size? between distributors, runners, and sellers who has the least likely chance of getting caught? can anyone bother to speculate? take your best shot.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How can I fix this "WaveOutGetSelectControl () Failed" thing fixed in CamStudio?

I am trying to capture my screen with CamStudio. I am also trying to capture the sound coming from my computer, but when I click the option in CamStudio to record audio from speakers, I get the "WaveOut...Failed" message.. I Googled, and found steps that involve enabling "Stereo Mix" in recording devices. I right clicked the background of the recording tab in Sound, and it didn't show up. I tried to update my sound drivers (conextant pebble high definiton SmartAudio) using the device manager, but found out the driver was up to date. Finally, I went to Compaq's website, search for my computer (CQ60-615DX Notebook) and downloaded the most recent driver, installed it, tried recording again, and failed. I am using Windows 7.

I'm having trouble finding a costume?

I want to be a University of Texas Cheerleader for halloween, but can't seem to find a costume ANYWHERE. For those of you who don't know, UT's colors are burnt orange and white and their mascot is a longhorn. Help Please!

Did the nazis have some sort of tribunal system in THEIR concentration camps?

No. The Nazis just ged all the Jews, Christians, and other people they hated. For you to compare Gitmo or Abu Ghraib to Nazi death camps is disgusting. Go get a real education. Talk to some Jews that survived the Holocaust. Then ask God to forgive you for asking such a disgusting "question" as this.

Black stool question?

I had diarrhea for about 5 days and today i finally am pooing somewhat normal. Last night i had black diarrhea and today i had little tiny pebble like clumps of black stool. I took peptmo bismol last night at about 1 am. Also, i am still experiencing stomach pain though it is not constant.

Best graphic card under 100 $ please tell me about ati radeon 5570?

the radeon HD4850 is the best 100 card you can get right now more like the 5750 not the 5570 which is merely OK

Guitarist Kirk Hammett from Metallica........?

The guage of string he uses would depend on the tuning of the particular song that he is playing. Metallica most commonly is tuned to standard E tuning so therefore you will want to use 9 guage strings. But they do have some songs such as Sad But True that is downtuned to D and some of their songs are downtuned to C. The lower the tuning you have, the higher guage string you will want. So if you downtune to D, use 10 guage strings, downtuned in C, use 11 guage. The higher the guage, the thicker the string. Now the reason for thicker strings is to keep the tension in them so they don't become loose and have and totally muddy, floppy sound. But overall, if you really want to duplicate Hammetts sound, you need to buy the Randall cabinets and head that he uses with the interchangeable modules in them.

Why do some Christians believe that tolerating ity will cause God to smite us?

The Christians have a zealot mindset about what they've put others through. It's okay since it was in the name of god and is 'in the past'. But seriously, Christianity and all the God worshipping religions have hurt and damaged more than they have healed and helped.

Did eny one not post this ,if so what happend?

the carmen winston case, is it real :( if any one has not reposted this, are they still alive is it true

American Idol..Kristy Cook....RED TONGUE???

I have so noticed this more than once. I wonder like you say maybe she eats cough drops right before she comes out because her throat is scratchy. I also noticed that one of the other singers had a blue tounge though maybe it's a trademark. LOL

Is it possible to have height reduction within the torso rather than your legs?

I've heard of height reduction in the legs but was wondering if you could have it within your torso seeing as my legs arn't very long and my torso is and it would look ridiculous if i had my legs shortened? Any information would be fab!

I need some graph help? i no you can't?

see the graph but if its possible to still answer please help. the solution(s) to the equation is x^2-2x-8=0.... b what about the line symmetry and the coordinates of the vertex in (x, y) form?

Whereis the best place to get a tattoo?

i mentioned earlier about wanting on my foot but people said no so okay no foot. So the question is where can i get it so it's hidden from people i dont want a tramp stamp or a shoulder blade tattoo i want it so i can see it... Also i'm super skinny so im almost all bone... so where is a good place?

Why do people keep saying the war in Iraq was started to fight terrorist?

There were no terrorist in Iraq, we started that war because, Bush said, Saddam Hussein had weapons of m destruction.He didn't. Al qeuda is in Afaganistan. The problem in Iraq is a civil war. We can put it on hold with more troops but unless we are willing to kill a whole section of the population(like Saddam did to get control) we are just wasting time.

Would this be funny for a Saturday Night Live skit?

Amy Poehler Baby Moma, SNL doing a skit where she played a big hugged up belly woman, and is in the city as a giant.

My wife and I are having a baby!!! What should we name him/her?

I really hope this is a joke if it isn't I would chose Edgar. It the close thing to a real name. unique name names don't have to be stupid. What about Hugh or Whitney. Maybe even Allison or a surname like Cruz.

Looking for my brother in georgia?

his name is luther harold bau live in georgia have not seen him in 2 years he always call once a month

Must there be a source from which the universe came?

Many believers use the argument that the matter and energy that exists could not have simply come from nothing. Must there be a source? or is this a logical flaw. Consider also that it does lead to a kind of paradox: if there must be a source of the world, then their must be a source of that "source" following the same logic ect...

How do I get rid of a very old cat urine stain/smell in a chair?

Try heating up white vinegar and applying liberally to the spots where she sprayed. After it dries, it won't smell like vinegar (or urine either). This is probably a project best done outdoors, since the vinegar smell WILL be strong in the beginning.

In Advent Children, why Kadaj and his gang called Cloud as their "brother" ?

Kadaj and his gang have parts of JENOVA in their DNA (which is why they refere to her as "mother"). By calling cloud "brother" they hint at Cloud also carring parts of JENOVA, which is true in a way, as he also has geostigma, which is a sign of being spoiled with JENOVA-cells.

Does anyone offer tax refund anticipation loans in November for 2007 taxes??

HSBC bank, who previously funded these loans, has backed out of doing them due to people not repaying these loans. H&R Block opened their own bank last year so they are able to offer a similar product for their clients only. You must have had H&R Block prepare your tax return in 2005 or 2006. The line of credit is for $500 and there is a charge for it. And the interest rates are not above the federal maximum. It starts around December 10th. Check your local office for details.

Does religion make people gullible in other areas?

Possibly, I suppose. I'm not one of them. I don't trust anything and barely anyone. I'm pretty devout.

What did the dominance of slave-morality do to the world in Nietzsche's estimation?

How did the advent of the dominance of the slave-morality change the world from what it had been under the master-morality. eg did it make it sick or change humans fundamentally? Quotes from the text would be appreciated (I am using on the genealogy of morality translation by maudemarie clark and alan j. swensen. I also have the portable Nietzsche by Kaufman)

Is this really a new word or is it a joke?

well technically any combination of letters combined with a describable definition is a word, but idk where you got that def. but im pretty sure that anyone can add new definitions, so not its prob not commonly used or anything

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Life in Venezuela?

Dear All, I want to go to Venezuela to immigrant and invest, but i dont have any Idea so please can you give my a short details about the life,prices and how can I have the citizenship with my family and is safe country and can I start investment there? please help me

What happens to an LLC upon death?

Unless the charter of the LLC says otherwise, the share of ownership becomes part of the estate of a deceased person. Many charters have a provision allowing a buy-out of such shares at a specific price or with a specific formula. There are many variations. The charter of the LLC may provide that the business immediately ceases to exist upon the death of any of the founders, and can only be wound up. Some charters provide that upon death, the ownership reverts to the LLC. I have not read yours, and I suspect you have not either. May I suggest that if you are unable, that you hire someone to read the charter and advise you?

Can I put my manager down as a refrence?

I currently work at McDonalds, but im getting sick of it and i'm interested in applying else where. I was wondering, can I put my managers down as a reference and do I have to ask them? Or can I just put then down? I'm scared as how I could ask them, because i don't want to quit Mcdonalds, just see what other oppotunitys are avalible and possibly take one. But i don;t wnat them to get the wrong idea?

Narnia Question?

Narnia is what it seems. At the end of the series the world ends in a judgement day Narnia is destroyed and the characters go to heaven. Seriously.

I'm a greencard holder and I want to visit Middle East. What should I do?

Yes , you must use your Iraqi pport to travel internationally. You will use your green card to get back into the U.S. Both must be current. You cannot stay out of the U.S. more than one year without needing a re-entry permit. See 1st site below and read paragraph on International Travel. You may need visas for the countries you plan to visit. How long they permit you to stay is up to the country you want to visit. You can use the 2nd site to see if you need a visa to each of the countries you plan to visit. It wil also tell you how long you may stay in that country. Just enter your nationality, enter that you are an alien resident in the U.S.A., enter your destination and click for the info. I tried to check for you just now, but their system is down right try later. Ah...found the info on the Lebanese emby site...see 3rd site below. it specifically says you may get a visa on all info there.

My ex still tells me all his secrets?

We broke up almost a year ago (I was his first love). We're still good friends - he insisted on it. To this day, he still tells me deep things in his life like he always did... and I later find out that nobody knows about some of the things he tells me, not even his best friends at school. Yet when I ask him about his feelings, he says I would never be an ideal candidate for XYZ (list of reasons). We live on opposite sides of the country now, but there is a deep emotional intimacy. That confuses me. Can you really have platonic feelings for an ex while simultaneously putting them in a "best friend who I trust with all my secrets and feelings" box? He also keeps a souvenir from one of our dates on his backpack and carries it with him everywhere he goes. Another confusing thing. Yet he continually insists that there is nothing there.

Repudiate NAFTA and impose high tarrifs on Mexican goods coming in to the USA?

I think it's time we Americans started sticking it to Mexico. Rampant political corruption and the influence of the Catholic Churche's views on birth control, have kept our neighbor a country in turmoil. In Mexico, you are either very rich or very poor; there is almost no middle cl. The thing that makes the USA unique in the world is that it has a thriving middle cl: this is also the engine that drives our continued prosperity. Instead of building walls and talking about deporting 12 million people, while Mexico sits on its hands, a change in trade policy, tied to repatriation of illegal immigrants and Mexico securing its own border, could be the best way to pressure Mexico to conduct itself as a responsible nation and worthy neighbor. Let the rich people of Mexico figure out how to keep their fortunes if the USA imposes a 400% tariff on Mexian goods.

Is it not a good idea to take the PSAT before the SAT?

Taking the SAT has absolutely no bearing on National Merit Scholarships. They ONLY look at the PSAT. It doesn't matter whenter you've taken the SAT before. I took the the SAT in 7th and 9th grade, and when I took the PSAT in 11th grade, I was a National Merit Semfinalist. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

How long does it take for real ugg boots to mold to your feet?

I have the �150 cardi uggs. I have just bought them from OFFICE and at the moment my heel is slipping uo and down as I walk. The lady in the shop said they're not too big and this always happens and it takes time for the boot to mold to your foot. But HOW long does it take? Cos if the boots are in fact too big I will have to get them changed

Do you think the Bush Administration should be tried for war crimes?

Yes. I think that the reasons are suspect for going into the Iraq war and should be investigated thoroughly to determine if Officials lied to cause it and I think the people who were responsible for resorting to torture should be investigated and prosecuted. If America is a nation of laws we should enforce them.

Mirena and menopause?

Is anyone using Mirena along with estrogen for their hormone replacement therapy... it seems like such a good option for someone doing hrt longterm... what are the risks and benefits to this regime and does the Mirena provide enough progesterone to oppose my estrogen and prevent endometrial problems???

Hershey park stadium?

i just got tickets to go to the Avril Lavigne & Jonas Brothers concert at Heshey Park this summer My seats are Section H, Row 98, Seats 28-29...are these like really bad seats? Will i be able to see anything?

Will the undertaker return as the biker before WM27?

thats what i was hoping, he cant beat kane as the dead man, but if he returns as the american ba then he'll beat the hell out of kane

What was the cause of the Taco Bell poisonings? Do we even know, for sure?

Last answer I heard on the news was contamination of lettuce before it ever left the farms. E-coli can't just be washed off of lettuce or leaf spinach because it "adheres" to it. The CDC ( Center for Disease Control" WHO ( World Health Org ) & Wikipedia all have great info. If you don't trust something don't eat it.

Ano ba ang email address ng hanep buhay?

mayroong TV program sa GMA na hanep buhay yung title! ano ba ang email address ng hanep buhay!? pls. give me the coorect email ha!!!! thanks!!!!!

What was the key to the nba finals? I want to congrlate dallas?

I had to ask a question by the rules here. I want to conglrate the mavericks they played hard and were the BEST Team and I have to eat some crow, I hate the heat, but really thought they would win the title and I hate seeing the mavs win, but honstely I like the seeing the heat lose, but the mavs deserve it it see my questions I bashed them. They are better than the spurs by FAR, my team needs to get our stuff togther plain, simple. Dirk is great, and better than tony parker, Dirk, terry, kidd barrra and the coach carile. cuban. Congrats. I am still a hater, of heat and the mavs, but the heat had a great year to. Congrats to the mavs.

Is a PSAT score of 194/240 good for a freshman?

Yeah, you should qualify but the competition's pretty steep. One kid I took the PSAT with made a perfect score and I'm a freshman too. I would just work on the critical reading.

Why does Welsh tend to be significantly less anti-English than NI or Scotland?

NI is due to the IRA and all the stuff with the protestants etc, scotland is generally full of miserable haggis faced gits

Fiance Visa in Delhi- 221g?

Anyone getting a request for additional information from US consultate to get a fiance visa. It seems to me that my visa was straightforward but they want additional information, such as ration cards and voter lists. nothing else. Does anyone know why? Is it a cause for concern?

Poll - Do you have any special 'quirks'..;-}?!?!?

i can move my pinky finger on my left hand with out moving any of my other fingers with it and most people can not do it i can pop my toes lol with out using my hands i just move them up and down and they pop

Why do people forget the other free agents?

It's very difficult to sign one big name free agent let alone 3.Sorry,but Chris Paul isn't a free agent.Those 3 on a good team would certainly give a Wade/Lebron team a run for their money.Those 3 on a decent team would too,and it would still be a good or decent on a depleted roster.

Names like Schmedes:Can you tell me how?

This my sound silly but Nowadays you may find a name like Tymika or Joshua or Angela in any ethnic group,Still I've always wonder how last names are so dramatically changed...Like the name Schmedes for a brown skinned person or hispanic,Jiminez is hispanic,Arusu is African What is Schmedes and Blanding and how did unusual names like these enter other ethnic groups.....I mean was it ped down through generations or through recent decades in marriage?

Should Christians read the Bible with their imaginations or with Jesus' Church?

Harold Camping is a good example of where people can go wrong reading the Bible (obviously misreading claims about a "rapture" on May 21, 2011). In general, should individual readers imagine how Jesus' teachings should be interpreted or look to the Church he authorized to safeguard his teachings?

Are you a towering intellect and a true visionary?

**wiggles @rse** .......OK you don't need true intellect academically speaking I have vayz of makink zem talq!

How do I get my hair like this Kim Kardashian style?,r:1,s:0&biw=1345&bih=527

Testing thermostat outlet wiring?

The probe only tells you if there is current. You should use a voltage meter and look on the electric baseboad for specifications on maximum voltage.allowed. Make sure the ground wire (usually green or bare wire) is attached before attaching any other wires. You may have also shorted out the built-in electrical wires in the baseboard heater when the breaker tripped. Usually breakers are 15 amps max. before tripping so make sure you double check your ground wires.. The following web sites should show you how to wire or diagnose a faulty baseboard heater.

When some one has insurance for bodily injury PER PERSON and then one for bod. injury per accident, which one?

okay well which one would i use if both the people in tha accident were hurt and their insurance covers bodily injury PER PERSON and then one for bod. injury PER accident, which one do i use?? IM me with the answer, this is due tmrw :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

How does this song list sound for my party?

I think that is a great song list. When i have my party i can copy yours lol. You have like Flo rider, Lady GaGa, Michel Jackson, lil wayne, Rihanna, Britany spears and heaps more. Awesome song choices

Does this sentence make sense to you at all?the second part of the sentence i mean:?

Yes, it makes perfect sense. It's like saying, "Emotions are habits. Like any habit, emotions can undermine our best intentions." If you're asking what it means, it means that emotions can hinder our best intentions.

The Pit and the Pendulum...?

what is the literary genre of the short story The Pit and the Pendulum?? and how any examples i thought it was horror i dont know?

Simon and Paula on American Idol...?

Do you think Simon and Paula are secret lovers or have been in the past? Or do you think one of them has a crush on the other becuase it really seems like there is some major ual tension between the two.

Fatal skin eruption due to stress?

I've come across a description of somebody who was said to have done something really bad and as a consequence developed small pustules that swelled up to about five centimeters diameter. They were said to have burst open and oozed pus and blood and died. Is there a skin condition that is known to be like that?

Pokemon: Shiny Raikou Pokemon Event (2011)?

Can anyone make or find a code for the Action Replay for a close to legit Legendary Trio: Raikou Event Pokemon from Gamestop on Pokemon Soulsilver or Platinum please, I missed the event in early january and I really need one to unlock Zoroark in Pokemon White and Black. If you could, maybe one that would download a wondercard on the cartridge as well. Or if not, that's fine too. Oh, and please let it be a english version.

Help me remember this book. I need this ASAP?

ok so i am reading this book in English and it is about this boy who is with his father and becomes a hostage in a terrorist attack. the cover has a picture of a cheetah dressed as a cheetah on it and the kid refers to his dad as FA if that helps. thanks if you know. I think it was called zed but i am not sure.

Desperately need to talk to my councilor, but I'm lacking the !?

NO! DONT BE WORRIED ABOUT THE CONSULAR! they are alwaysss great people and never tell a word about why you were there. i had to go down alot last year because of my friend and they are sooo nicee.

POLL: Are any of you girls out there going to the prom wearing a white or ivory prom dress?

When I read your caption, the first thing that popped into my head was "That sounds like a wedding dress."

I feel really overwhelmed right now & i dont know whut to do?? help please??? :( :(?

Forget about it today and get started tomorrow. If it looks like spam, don't open it, just check the box and delete it. Go thru several pages doing that and then weed out the legit emails. It's just email, don't fret so much.

Should i do this trade?

I agree with the guy above me. Wait a little while. Donald Brown would have to be notoriously unlucky to get injured on the bench, and welker can only get healthier. IF addai goes down, he will probably try to add on some icing to the cake for you, or else he's going to be starting someone like Michael Bush, and you get to start the guy taking all the carries for Indianapolis.

Should I get another Lawyer?

If a citizen of NY is arrested and jailed in a Community Correctional Center in NJ, with the allegation of ual misconduct before the minor and the only evidence is the word of the minor, how long is it legally possible for this person to stay in jail without further produced evidence? Bail has been set, but the lawyer says it is best for the person to stay in jail until the case is presented before the Superior Courts, the person is indicted, or the minor recants. Is this the best possible action the lawyer can take? Or should the 10% of bail be posted? If it is posted, would the person be set free? Is this lawyer really doing the right thing for his client?

Which would be best to buy a quilting frame that expands to 82'' or a quilting hoop that is about 38"?

I am working on a queen size quilt but usually deal with smaller quilting projects like baby quilts and tree skirts

How to get a boy you have dumped back?

there is this boy tht i was going out with but like we neva kissed...... and neva saw each ova out of school so i dumped him but i neva wanted to but he did so lke i said it 1st but he liked this ova girl so he whent out with her but now there not going out i know he now like this ova lool but she dont like her but i just cnt get over him how can i make hi like me????

Different words for baby related things?

I can only think of one off the top of my head. In the USA we call them strollers & in the UK, I understand, they call them prams, pushchairs, or buggys.

Are colors trademarked?

I read on a billboard that the company advertising had copyrighted the color red, and I was wonder if it meant what I thought it meant, and are any other colors trademarked?

Rephrasing a question someone asked?

OK. Say the US is invaded by Russia. Would I, being a civilian, legally be allowed to kill enemies if I saw any?

BBQ Crock Pot Chicken?

I want to make BBq Chicken in the crock pot. What is the best way to do it, in your opinion? I would appreciate any advice! Or if you want to list any other ways you like your chicken, crock pot or other ways, I am open to suggestions!

Do you think BARF (raw) feeding is expensive?

Generally, most people find raw feeding less expensive or about the same price as regular foods. You have to look out for deals, and find a good, reliable supplier to get it cheap.

How to act like a 16 year old/17 year old guy (i am a guy) just read?

Playing sport does not make you a teenager, you are one regardless. Dont fall for what is 'normal' . Everyone is different. Are you on medication? if not it can help with your condition, allow you to stop over th9inking things and enjoy things like video games without distraction. Be thankful that you have people in your life that love you and that you are successful buisness wise at such a young age. its a good skill to have. But from a girls point of view cut that 'hoe' bullshit out. I get the saying and agree with the idea of mates before dates as such but hoe is a derogatory term. You wont have a girlfriend for long if she hears you call her that.

Do you think it's girly for a guy to have ornaments in his bedroom?

I'm a fairly 'normal' guy and I have a nice tidy fairly masculine bedroom. I also have a few ornaments dotted about the place (mostly on the windowsills) but I've started to wonder if maybe I should just have a reasonably minimalist bedroom instead. I don't want to invite a girl round and have her laugh at my bedroom and think it's too girly. What are your thoughts?

I am hypoglycemic.should I carry a blood sugar tester?

I am a mild hypoglycemic.I am very active and often spend my week nights and weekends at track meets or soccer games.I do wear a med. ID bracelet but am often worried tht something will happen.should I carry a testing kit?

Do liberals buy carbon offset credits when they go grocery shopping?

I think that the Carbon footprint offset is another corporate scam to make somebody rich. people who are dumb enough to buy the offset credits are paying for some bigwig to fly off in his private jet.

American Idol: What was wrong with Fergie?

I know Fergie changed her hair style but she didn't even look like herself. What was wrong with her? She had on a loose dress and looked like she had gained weight. Did anyone else nothing the major change? Any ideas?

Can cynicism become a mental disorder?

No, cynicism is a trait of course, not a medical disease. Like the saying goes a healthy amount of cynicism is a good thing. You must ask, how is this trait adversely effecting my life? Does it make me isolate, then take an extreme course so I lose touch with people then reality? So on it goes into illness at which point I say that you aren't cynical so much as paranoid.

Can a bat tester read if a bats been rolled?

i was thinking about getting my comp bat rolled cause all its does is break in the bat evenly instead of having cold spots on a bat. my league is now using a bat testing to check bats. do these machines tell if the bats have been shaved and rolled or just shaved? also what if u a don't fully roll it, maybe just barely roll it just to help get it going. and what about bats that are broken in. can they fail in the bat tester because the 98mph seal has been broken after continuous hits?

Grade my fanasty team?

Seeing as how Domenik Hixon is on IR, Victor Cruz might have a break out year, so keep him. Besides that it's a pretty good team to me.

What material is the best insulator of electricity? what material is the best conductor of electricity?

A vacuum is the best electrical insulator. But if you insist on naming some material, I would say any of the noble gases, He being the best. The best natural conductor of electricity is silver, then copper, then gold, then aluminum, so on.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't you hate people who overtake you on the foot path?

Then slow right down so your walking up their backside! Really annoys me..what do you do when this happens?

My kids asked why their friends (all siblings) all had different dads?

I would have dealt with it the same way you did. I don't believe in completely glossing over topics like . If a child is old enough to ask, he's old enough to get an honest yet age - appropriate answer. That's exactly what you gave your kids.

Which alloy wheel good for mahindra jeep in india?

Currently, Aura is the most popular brand for alloy wheels.It has one of the best range of rim designs and is known to be quite reliable.

Is the Desiderata ( see below ) written by Max Ehrmann the most profound and succinct literature ever written?

It's nice to know that after so many years people are still finding meaning in this essay. It is a beautiful, life-affirming piece but not the only one to be found in literary history. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I suppose it depends on where you're coming from, your life experience, and what need is present in your life that determines the quality of the literature you encounter.

Researchers often say "correlation is not necessarily cause." ...?

Yeah it's c. All the others actually are related to each other. Photochemical smog could have many variables, though, such as pollution from factories, toxic waste, etc.

Relationship advice please?

.He's trouble with a capital 'T'. All the signs are there for a physco. Controlling,jealous,rage and denial.This guy is dangerous.Run and don't look back,Try harder to get rid of this creap

Raw meat for my cat, is it okay?

Its actually the best possible diet for them. Before we domesticated them, cats did not go around dragging a george forman grill with them to cook up their kills ;) If you choose to feed raw, I would look into it more. Personally, I do not feed raw because I don't have the time to prepare it, but I do feed it once or twice a week as a treat. There are companies you can actually order it from that includes all the blood, organs, bone, and meat and is very balanced and healthy for them. Its definitely worth looking into tho.

HUW PPV Life is a Beach/ WQ inside?

That looks a pretty cool ppv and i liked the fact you included some of the Attitute Era stars like X-Pac and the NWO.Good to see that you put in some of the TNA stars as well.Starred!

Sony xplod head unit doesnt power front speakers?

I got a sony explod radio with the ipod cord, everything is great about it, but the front speakers don't work (all factory speakers) i hooked the radio up today.. and i used to a electric tester, and there is no power going from the head unit to the speakers? i was wondering if there is like a setting or something to change, to power all 4 of my speakers, thanks

Okay... advice on this one girl?

thank god your name isnt guerilla lol but she may have a crush on you.... the thing that gave it away was the social interview thing and all of the likes on face book. i think she likes you. im not sure how much but did you do anything to/ for her today like say hi borrow her a text book ect.? these may have made her happy? i dont really know. post more things if she does something else because that may give it away more. hope i helped! good luck!

This is the end my drama’s prologue, what do you say about this part?

It's the first poetic prologue I've ever read. I wish more books that I've read had prologues written by you.

What food should we bring with us?

My dad just went to fish and he's gonna stay there all night long until the morning. My mom came up with the idea that we should go tomorrow at Felix. It's sort of a resort. There are lots of places with food but there are big queues and lately we bring food from home. This time we don't know what food shall we bring with us. My mom wants to bring some grilled chicken wings and thighs. I think we need something more. What do you think we should bring anymore?

Should the Lakers let Derek Fisher go at the end of the season?

You know before Friday nights game I would have said NO WAY!! But They did great tonight, I was real happy with the way they played.. I agree 100% that he should no longer be starting line up BUT you guys remember what happened last time la put him on the bench? I don't think we need him but I feel guilty for saying that..

Throbbing Pain In My Lower Left BackSide Not near My Spine?

I have a small cyst on my left Kidney, nothing big I dont believe, but I just last week had surgery on my fallopian tubes due to an ectopic pregnancy...Then 3 days later I came down with a UTI...Now for the past few days i have been in and out of fevers with pain on my lower left side (back) and I have been having diarhea for about 5 days now...What should I do...could it just be muscle pain?

What is considered the correct seat and hands for barrel racing?

just like with any show/competition you watch, there are bad riders... many barrel racers have others train their horse and just hop on for the ride... your hands are generally more forward when barrel racing and your posture a bit more forward... a lot of the position depends on the horse you're riding...

Where in the Great Gatsby is Tom a Hypocrite?

Which one is Tom? I'm gunna guess he's a hypocrite when he freaks out about his wife cheating even though he had been cheating on her too. ADULTERY SHEESH!

Ewww... can someone tell me what kind of bug this is???

I like to think its a mosquito but, then again i wouldn't know, it don't look like it can fly hmmmmm creepy.

Would American Evangelicals suffer less longing for The Rapture if they had more consumer goods?

Not Really, Having more 'Junk' doesn't decrease that, it just replaces one with another, I have worked for more than one Celebrity Multimillionaire as Security, and seen the Drama, Doesn't Help, and You can't take it with you either, I have yet to see a Hearse being Followed by a U-Haul

Was anyone else offended and disgusted by Black Swan?

No,I was not offended or disgusted,but it definitely wasn't as good as the trailers implied. Could you please not be so dramatic about it,though? There are hundreds of fantastic movies (most of them were made before 2009...) out there,why don't you go watch one?

In trading Santana what deal is best for Twins, New York Yankee's proposal or, Boston's proposal and..

To be honest, by far they should trade for the Yankee prospects. Unless Boston included Clay Bucholz and Jacoby Ellsbury.

How to get a 21 month old to give up the paci?

The dentist just told me that I need to start weaning my 21 month old daughter off of the pacifier. She is very attached to it, but it is causing problems with her teeth. Does anyone have any suggestions? The dentist did suggest to just start using it during naps and at bedtime, but like I said, my daughter is VERY attached to her paci. I also have a 7 week old daughter who also uses a pacifier, but isn't as attached to it.

I can't decide out of 2 hairstyles. Please help?

i luv the first one.since you are already a red head it would be more better for you.the second girl is a you wouldnt know how that hairstyle would look on a red head,it would be a chance it would not look good on you.

Why do I feel like this?

don't really think its worth that much worry but its natural to be curious about something you don't understand. alot of families have different traditions and funny things they do as a family i don't think hes keeping anything from you it probably just never occurred to him to tell you. ask him about it if you are a close friend just say your curios to know. but its not big deal don't worry so much

Why isn't 50 cents' new album, CURTIS, on itunes?

i was trying to find it so i could see people's reviews but even his single Straight to the Bank is has been removed from the itunes store.

The terrorist olympics who wins?

Actually, your question is a very good one. I'm surprised more people haven't taken the time to answer it. With your choice of the contestants, the Terrorist Olympics would be a very tight competition. You forgot about North Korea... I have the feeling that they wouldn't commit a lot of piddly terrorist actions, but they're waiting to drop the mother of all weapons... maybe biological... on some sort of Democracy, including the U.S. Hopefully the terrorists from Iraq will have dwindled down to size, so maybe they would be at the bottom. I'm not sure who would be at the top. The backers of this terrorist olympics would be China and Russia. And in order to be nicy-nice about the whole extravaganza, the Liberals in the United States would pitch in with all the free beer, hoping it would turn out to be a love-fest.

Help me make a deck that work with malefic and one synchro?

this deck is way to big. the maximum is 60 cards. if you plan to enter into a tournament then you need to downsize that deck. you want to include that blue eyes card right? then center the deck on bringing out that card. you want to have strong monsters and even a back up card if things start to go wrong. but you also want to get some good traps and magics.some equipped cards and some quick flips too. but you really need to downsize this thing.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Someone just said she wouldn't pray to no dead, sinful woman when speaking of Mary?

Do you really feel this is how Jesus thinks about his very own Mother? Especially when it says "He will not let his Holy one see decay" Mary is every bit the New Ark of the Covenant. A Holy person because God made her Holy. I feel sorry for those who feel they are so much better than Jesus' own Mother. Wow, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

Do you think curtis stone is cute?

omg i know, i watch that show and he is so hot. especially when he takes off his jacket at the beginning of the music for the intro time. and they're really playing up on his hotness this season so he's even hotter. he's smokin!!!!

The Lion The Witch and the wardrobe?

If you read the book, you need only think about the character of Edmund to understand the answer to this question.

Would this necklace be a good christmas present?

Awh, i love it! the necklace is lovely. I'd say if your mum loves owls and this is in your budget definately buy it. :)

What do you think of Uranium-lead-dating techniques being extremely reliable?

In order to ascertain the age of the skeleton, Dr Latham, together with Dr Bob Cliff and Jo Walker at the University of Leeds, used a technique called uranium-lead dating. Stalagmite layers contain traces of radioactive uranium, which eventually decays to form lead. The team measured the amount of uranium and lead in the stalagmite layers to form an accurate date for their age and for that of the skeleton.

What's the cerfrence (or length and width) of an AFL footy oval?

The Foty field, which may be 135-185m long and 110-155m wide. The centre square is 40x40. The curved fifty metre line is 50m away from the goal line. Adjacent goal posts are 6.4 metres apart.

Tell me what this dream means?

I had a dream about three finches. One blue, one gray, and one green. They were flying free in my house. I tried to catch them but couldn't. Any ideas?

I cheated on my girlfriend but I want to get her back she is also preganant too? Need advice plz?

I'm sorry to say this but you showed your true colours by doing what you did. When couples fight, they often need some space, it's normal to want to talk about it to someone or be comforted, but if this includes any form of ual contact, then it's just plain wrong. You're also old enough to be aware of the possible consequences of drug and alcohol use, and to be aware that this is not an acceptable excuse, you are responsible for all your actions when drunk or stoned whether you like it or not. She may or may not forgive you, I don't know her so I don't know, but as far as I'm concerned there's nothing worse than when a couple argues and then one of them cheats straight away, I don't care if it's the man or the woman, have a sense of decency.

Fantasy football trade?

The trade is even.....Plaxico Burress isn't 100% where as Dwayne Bowe was just average for WR's last year.....And with Marion Barber as the starter at Dallas.well you seen what kinda points he put up as J.Jones' back-up....... Brian Westbrook is the same kinda smash-mouth back like Barber so......... it's even!!!!

Show names help plzzz?

i have a chesnut TB he races for 10 years he just came off the last year im gonna show him next year hunt curcit and i have 2 show names i really like his race and barn name is kickback and the names i like are kickback and let loose and Kick your Backside what one do you people like

Can I still take driving lessons if I have a liscense?

I had a learners permit and I been practicing driving with a driving instructor. Now I am still a little weary of the road and highway and can use some extra driving lessons just to get the feel of driving. Can I still be able to take driving lessons with a liscense with a professional driving instructor? I know once you have your liscense, you dont have to worry of taking the road test again and you have it for good unlike worrying of a permit expiring but do people who have a liscense still take driving lessons?

A black guinea pig is crossed with an albino guinea pig pro duess 12 black offspring.?

When the albino is crossed with the second black one, 7 blacks and 5 albinos are obtained. What is the best explanation for this genetic situation? Write genotypes for the parents, gametes, and offspring.

EMBARRMENT... (interesting -- I'd like to think)?

I'm in the same grade, I'm a male though. Looking away shows him you have interest. Don't go Chasing after him though, as you stated he has plenty of girls trying that. Let him come after you. But don't play hard to get. Just try talking to him a bit more. Texting is an amazing way to get to know him. It's much easier to say what you want to. And as fo the girls getting jealus, put your trust into him. And don't ***** and complain about him talking to other girls. I hope you understand. And I hope this helps.

Whos gonna win week 5 football?

Okay i know i am not answering this but if Detroit win against the Steelers than that will be embering

Question for Arabic speakers?

Its a bunch of threats to the unbelievers with some graphic description of how horrible hell will be, you know the usual from the loving merciful allah.....

To Conan O' Brien Fans: Are you going to watch The Tonight Show with Jay Leno?

These last episodes of The Tonight show with "CoCo" were lively , fun , poignant and utterly amazing as was his earlier episodes. I love the final episodes with Robin Williams, Tom Hanks, Neil Young and Will Ferrel and the Tonight Show band playing a great rendition of Freebird by Lynyrd Skynryd to wrap it up. Conan's heartfelt farewell speech really struck a chord within me as he struggled to maintain his composure while thanking NBC, his staff and his fans.Anyway, will any of you "CoCo" fans be watching the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno? I won't be.

When it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere?

When it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it's summer in the Southern Hemisphere. What's the reason for that?

How can I ask my boyfriend to Sadies?

He's on the basketball team, and i'm a cheerleader. I wanted to ask him during a game but idk how. Somebody pleaseee help! :)

Did you or are you going to have these words in your wedding vowels?

I had them in my vows. I wanted my wedding ultra traditional, and didn't want any words changed. I am still happily married, and don't regret having the word included.

What did you think about Essence of the Game?

Personally i loved it seeing all the different views and what really happens and it was good going from all the way from Auskick to the Afl it was great

Blackjack Diana F+ Lomo question?

I recently received my Blackjack in the mail and misplaced my miniute shutterlock key. Should I just hold down the shutter when taking photos?

Exact date for SHSAT results?

Okay, so iTook the SHSAT in Novemberr nd iWanted to knoww when the results come back. iLooked it up on Yahoo!Answers but all the answers said that itt would qett to us on the 4th of feb. or the 8th, so does anyone knoww the exact date? is it the fourth or the 8th of february? iReally really want to knoww. iM qoinq insane not knowinqq. [iWant to qet into Stuyvesant sooo bhadd)

What are some good books?

What are some good vampire/fantasy/magic books (not Manga please, I've tried it, didn't like it!)? And I mean, not the Twilight series, Harry Potter series, A Great and Terrible Beauty series, Narnia series, Vampire Kisses, Sweetblood, I read all those. Gimme some new ones! Preferably a series, please =]. Can you tell me? I'm bored with all this just sitting here, re-reading all thesse books! It's driving me BANANAS!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is there a black steel?

Is there a black colored metal alloy? I want the metal itself to be black, not painted where when it is scratched it rubs off. Does anyone know of such an alloy? Also how heavy is it in comparison to aluminum?

Physics question on gravitation?

A spaceship is on a straight-line between Earth and its moon. At what distance from (the center of) Earth is the net gravitational force on the spaceship zero?

Need a good muffler for a 2001 honda prelude?

I just need a universal or "weld on" muffler i don't want a catback just tryin to get some good sound from something not too expensive, don't want anything over 100$ i was looking at the tsudo n1 style so far. I don't want anything that sounds too "ricer" haha like the high pitch wine but something more deep with a wine at higher rpms, just want it to be loud but not a p.o.s. one let me know if anyone has a good site where i can look at them or anything like that. Thanks, This is the one that i am looking at now. servlet/Detail?no=70

Why is dating haram in Islam when a lot of Muslims date?

Hi there, Islam says that it is haram for intimacy before marriage. Opposite genders can mix but not have relationships before marriage. Islam advises that even if not having a relationship that a boy and girl who are eligible for each other - i.e (not the girls father or brother) should never be alone in a room as when they are there is a third person in the room - The shiatan (devil). Who whispers to them and leads them astray into relationship outside of marriage even if that was not there intention. As humans are weak and sucb to temptations.

Fantasy help quick!!! IMMEDIATELY PLEASE?

i have reggie bush and michael turner who should i start i need to no now cuz reggie's game is on THURSDAY NIGHT AND ITS WEDNESDAY!!! HELP PLZ.

44 dems don't want 0bamacare... Is this good news?

It is good news to me. It looks like the American public will not get railroaded by the left wing liberal loonies.

Projectile motion.. help.. I don't understand the question..?

A soccer ball is kicked from the ground with an initial speed of 19.5 m/s at an upward angle of 45 degrees. A player 55 m away in the direction of the kick starts running to meet the ball at that instant. What must be his average speed if he is to meet the ball just before it hits the ground?

Just out of curiousity..?

I had an awful experience with a rental company. The rental company delivered the wrong items for my wedding reception. When I phoned the rental shop. the original person who had helped me was on vacation (this person was also the owner). The person who was handling things until the owner returned basically told me to "deal with it". Needless to say this is not what you tell a bride the day before her wedding. My parents ended up going out to buy the things that we still needed (gl bowls, mirrors, etc.). I put a stop payment on the check that was given to the rental company. My mother had a "prayer meeting" with the owner when she returned from vacation. We got a full refund, hefty apology and she even bought the items that my parents paid for from them, to cover what they had to spend out of pocket. It was an awful experience and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I truly became Bridezilla that day. LOL

What's the name of that German song on the new Subway ad?

No, funny ad tho! Just type the ad on youtube and someone on there will have commented to what song it is...

Do you think Chavez is going nuclear?

He left Venezuela today in a shopping spree to all those anti-American countries (except for Portugal) to see who offers the best deal. I wonder if this is just a way to threaten everybody around and nothing more, or this is going to be actually serious negotiations. What do you think? Is this going to become a reality? Argentina is also offering such thing to him by the way.

Did Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper really die in a plane crash or did they fake their own death?

Are there any theories that they faked their own death? Isn't it kind of suspicious that they would have such an inexperienced pilot flying their plane? How do we know it really happened?

Was this the rite decision?

ok so i lik this guy & he liks me i c him every day & he always compliments me & is realy nice & sweet & funny etc. but he is 2 yrs older than me & yesterday he kissed (im not sure if madeout) this girl hu is one yr younger than him & wen i found out i was realy sad (prob cuz i was just jealous) & he asked me if i was mad @ him cuz he found out i new & i said no not really & he said he didnt no y he did it & hes a jerk & that hes sory & he hopes i would forgive him & i was thinking were not goin out or anything so hes free but my friend hu told me wat happened said that i shouldnt forgive him cuz he said he liks me & he new i like him so he shouldnt have done that & if i get hurt again its gona be realy sad but my other friend said that i should forgive him cuz its not like he was taken so i said its do u think i shouldve listened to my other friend??

Hi im getting into the modeling industry and are of need of a genuine phographer to make a modeling portfoilo?

if there is anyone who knows of one please let me based in leeds west yorkshire.if there any phographer out there that can exchange pictures for help on new creative or art i would be gratefull thank you.

How would you react if...(Qustion for the ladies)?

A: Go with the flow and kiss back. But don't go overboard since you are kinda drunk. You want to be able to have complete control with anything else that happens. You don't have to give too much when you are drunk, because then you won't know if it was genuine or just the alcohol.

Am I really that Odd?

I think it's great that you have such a pion for something. I used to be conscience of what people think of me. But since i've left high school I just don't care anymore. If you don't care what people think you can embrace who you are and truly be yourself, do everything and anything you enjoy. You sound like a very intelligent person, stick with your reading and studying. One day everyone will be working for you.

Anyone have a chevy astrovan?

I asked about this before. I have a chvy astro van 98 and I test drove it today and it only goes in reverse. when I put it in drive it goes really slow, if at all. none of the other forward gears work!

What are some Good Metal Bands?

soilwork, in flames, disarmonia mundi, bleeding through, gojira, into eternity, nevermore, wintersun, enseferum, lacuna coil, hurt, seether, three days grace, breaking benjamin, iced earth, megadeth, meshuggah, opeth, h.i.m., strapping young lad, & tool. maybe you'll like these. enjoi! :)

AIM and phoneeeeeeeeeeeeee?!?

Okay my aim always freezes on my phone and someone i know can receive ims on aim on their phone as text messages instead of actual IMs.. does anyone know how i can program my phone to do this?

Parents who smoke around my kids in their home?

my parents have been having a very rough time for about 6 months now because my 29 year old brother ped away suddenly back in March. i live 4 hours away from them, but my kids and i have been going to their house quite a bit. we were there last week, for the entire week. both my parents smoke like freight trains in their home, and around anyone who comes, doesn't matter who it is. so for a week straight all 3 of my children stayed day and night in this nasty smoke filled house. now this week, they are all very stuffy and congested. my youngest is only 5 months old and his has been far worse then the other 2.. he has coughed his little head off, his nose is both stuffy and runny, and i have wiped his nose so much that it's red and sore. it bugs me like crazy that they do not get that they should not smoke around anyone, least of all little children.. however, i don't feel it's right to ask them not to smoke in their own home, and right now i can't bring myself to not go to spend time with them because they are both having such a hard time still trying to get over the loss of my brother. how do i handle this? i am due to go back for the week of Thanksgiving, but i can't stand the thought of putting my kids through this again. they have all 3 been miserable all week, especially the baby.. how do i handle this without hurting my parents feelings or without insulting them by telling them what to do in their own home? how do i handle this?

Is it wrong to think my mom is ignorant?

I understand what you mean, but i bet if she were one of those cool "hip" mums you'd be embarred at how she'd try to fit in with you and your "crew". It's not wrong to think she's ignorant, as long as you love her at the end of the day, we all have our cons, but if our family can't love us despite them, we have nothing.

Question about a white dwarf?

When a white dwarf star accretes matter from a binary companion, it can erupt as a nova. As a result of this eruption, what do astronomers believe happens to the white dwarf?

Do the banks own congress?

The constitution granted all powers dealing with money to Congress (therepresentatives of the people) our founders also told us that power deligated by the people cannot be further deligated. Our first mistake was creating the Federal Reserve System. The Federal reserve is neigther FEDERAL nor is it a RESERVE. It is in fact a private company which is made up of PRIVATE banks. therefore it is not your representatives that control our money supply, instead it is the Private banks. Secondly our founders warned us that there was no greater evil than fiat or worthless money. by removing the gold and silver redeemablility of our money our system is balanced entire on what every man believes a dollar is worth. This has damaged our economy is a million ways over. This is such a huge topic and i greatly Recomend looking into books by Cleon SKousen

Am I going to die from ingesting this?

I was just told I ingested Di-hydrogen Monoxide. I looked online and saw that it kills thousands of people each year. Is there a antidote? Should I go to the hospital? Do I have a chance of living!?!?!?

What are some of the reasons a woman would be spotting?

I am not pregnant, my bf is "fixed". I don't take birth control, and I pretty sure I am not going through menopause, so why is my period so crazy. I am really starting to get worried about it, can anyone give my any clues as to what might me wrong so I can calm my over active mind.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Synthesis essay?????????????????????????

I don't really understand what I have to synthesize for these essays? does anyone know a good synthesis, question or statement for MLK'S letter from Birmingham and Thoreau's Civil disobedience? You must compare the two of them!

Cl D Flip Flop problems.?

im making a counter with the SN7474N d flip flop and works in multisim perfectly but when i built the circuit on a breadbord it didnt work. after a lot of probing i found that the out put of Q has a duty cycle of about 30%-40% when it should be 50%. how do i get the duty cycle to 50%

Can you translate this into Lebanese Arabic?

soccerdarling did translate it but I think he is not pure lebanese! anyway thnx merry christmas to you too

Semi formal for sadie hawkins?

we got the sadie hawkins dance coming up and it says to wear semi formal clothing. i was thinking about wearing like corduroys and a on down and a cardigan. would that be okay or do i need to wear like a suit or something

I'm going grocery shopping... what else can I put in my cart besides food???

I think I missed something? Well I will still the answer the question. In my grocery cart.. My 3 year old, Maddy.. and hopefully up front and not in the back because she likes to step on the bread and poke holes in the meat packages.. and umm.. my purse, diapers, wipes, toilet paper in huge packs because my 5 year old needs 3 miles to wipe, toiletries.. eh.. then, towards the end of the trip, my 5 year old.. cuz her "feeeeeeet huuuuuurt sooooo baaad".. hubby has to follow with baby in his carseat, or we would have no room for food. :)

Crochet for beginners?

I just made a purse out of crocheting by just looking at tutorials from the internet. The problem is, I can't find how to finish my project. I have just done single crochets and they (the tutorials) keep telling me to "fasten off" I don't understand...

Not that you could even make such a prediction?

but if the 60s belonged to Green Bay, and the 70s the Steelers, the 80s the Niners, the 90s the Cowboys and 00's the Patriots, who will take the the Teens?

Do you think that if Obama becomes president?

Wouldn't be surprised. He will get rid of any talk radio that talks against him. Sounds kinda like Hitler, accually a lot like Hitler. Bring on the thumbs down

Music ques. easy 10 pts!!!?

i have windows media player but i dont have limewire cuz it got viruses and i dont wanna download any, so is there any way i get music from the internet and put or download it somhow straight to windows?? is there any websites??? thnks:)

Christopher Walken dancing trademark?

I was watching Batman Returns last night and I read somewhere that Christopher Walken does a little dance in all of his movies. Where exactly does he do it in Batman Returns? I must have missed it.

Could I be 100% Ashkenazi Jew, if i look sephardic?

This sounds wierd, but to my knowledge all the way back my at least to my great grandparents on both sides I am totally Ashkenazi, yet I look verfy tan. of course it doesnt help that I have grown up in southern california, yet it is a natural tan, and I am darker than my friends that are mexican and Egyptian. Can someone explain to me if this is possible. of course I know that it is virtually impossible to answer, but I am looking for some grand enlightenment.

Is there anything you wished you had put on your registry that you didn't?

That sounds like plenty. Boots? You won't use them at all, I suspect. You'll want simple short-sleeved onesies. It's a good first layer, and you'll want baby to stay warm for diaper changes, etc. I don't think you'll need that many sweatpants, either, but that's me. You have plenty of fleece, it seems. You can't plan for every need, so you may wish to float that you'd like gift cards.

Where do limo companys buy their limos?

they have new car dealers that specialize in them/the factory ships stock vehicles to body and coach companies that modify the units and get them thru the dealerships

Why wasn't Maze/Frankie Beverley more popular? They had some great music.?

Back in the 1970's and 1980's Maze was very popular, especially on the West Coast. They toured and I saw them live 2 times and bought 4 or 5 of their ablums. I still listen to them today.

How can people logically think that bush is the anti-christ?

The antichrist will have all of his monkey relatives take over all the American government and take over and invade and bring to ruins every country. The endtimes are near. lol.

Is tenderness/pain a symptom of menopause?

Hello, I'm a doctor. Use Tramadol. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ---->

I need Help With a song?

Ok here is how the song goes if you know the rest please answer, Ono dose ares to the east to the west met my boyfriend at a candy shop he bought me ice cream he bought me cake he brought me hom with a belly ack i said momma momma im so sick call the doctor quick quick quick

My best friend is African American and...?

The other day at school in my politics cl we were discussing affirmative action programs and we were given a survey and we had to talk about in what cases affirmative action should be used and one of the cases was "a white man and a black man are both applying for the same job and the white man has better credentials and appears to be overall a better choice for the job. Should the black man be hired anyway?" And then my friend said yes. This really bothers me. Like I'm mad just thinking about it. Should I just let her have her own opinion or should I bring it up to her? I'm really bothered. I'm okay with a black person being hired over a white person if they have equal credentials. Just not this situation. I mean, what kind of workforce are we trying to have in this country? A subpar, incompetent one?

Question about Dr Phil show tonight?

Who watched the show Thursday and Friday night about the teacher allegations of ual misconduct? Do you believe the teacher (who didn't seem upset at all considering the allegations), or the student (who failed the lie detector test)?

Is this legal? 18-1?

not even kidding we have a t-shirt machine in our school n right before the superbowl a bunch of shirts were made before the superbowl with moss' pic that said "got moss?" im wondering if 18-1 has been trademarked or anything yet because i wanna know if i can make a bunch of 18-1 t-shirts n sell them if it has been ill jus have to go with my other idea of puting belichicks pick on with "got loss?" haha

When Obamas pastor Wright said we Deserved 9-11 Attacks do you think Obama agreed?

Yes I believe Barack Hussein 0bama agreed and probably left an extra fifty spot in the collection to show his support

Hairstyle Idea?

I want to get my hair cut short. Currently my hair is brunette, thick (not coarse thick) and straight (past my waist so I have enough hair to get any cut and style I want). I have paler skin (ivory) and almond shaped blue eyes. My face is oval shaped and I have a long neck. What's a short (Like Jamie Lee Curtis/Sharon Stone/Halle Berry short) style that would suit me? I'd like to have bangs and not have it too long in the back. I'd like to dye it red. What are some styles and red shades that I could do? Thanks.


Brady is going to get hit harder and more frequently than Sanchez. And that's something your capital letters can't change.

Im thinking of naming my dog Duke, what should his show name be?

we think Duke of York or Duke of Hazard may be too common. we were thinking Duke the Blue Devil because of Duke University's mascot. we know a dog named Diva and her show name is Lady Godiva and we like that the show name and real name tie into each other, but we are open to any ideas. thanks!

How big of a crock pot is necessary?

I was looking at the black friday deals and walmart has a 2 qt crock pot for $4. Is that too small? What is the best size?

What do you think of cubism and why?

I love it, it seems to prove how simplicity can still be used to great effect as opposed to complex structuring. When used to it's fullest extent that style can surp the elegance of even photo realistic portraits.

Liberate yourself.?

How does it feel to be a man these days?A manhood celebrated?what are the issues special to men.Wha is the male psyche?what are its task and landmarks?

What are "low-temperature atmospheric plasma sources (LTAPS)"?

Hola Angelique. A plasma source is electromagnetic device that is used to create charged particles like a plasma torch, plasma needle, or a dielectric barrier discharging device. A LTAPS can be any of those devices set at low power like about 85W of microwave power.

Dieting woes I need some advice?

ok im on this diet that is strict dieting for 11 days and 3 days off meaning you can eat what you want but don't pig out, I ate a wheat pizza on my day off(today but i ate good the rest of the day) and i fell like shiit, just wondering how i can eat what i want for those 3 days and lose weight anybody know how that works?

You Ever Wanted To Create A GAME!?!?

yes i wanted to create a game/site.i really want kids to be happy to go on it if i had made one.i would make it very safe.with a chat but no bad words.and people get to visit and make acount.i would give them pets,food,and games.sure ill visit you site!

Atheists, what was the funniest or most ignorant swipe at evolution you have ever heard?

Ha ha. I heard the bicycle one only it was about an ordinary gun evolving into an AK47. This was a Theist's summary of the 'absurdity' of evolution. 'An amoeba evolved into a man and the man turned around and had s*x with the amoeba, and that's how we came to be'. Scary.

** What should I do?? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.?

i think he needs to know the reason and you may find he feels the same ---- you dont take a FWB to a concert ---- there are supposed to be no feelings ---- and just because he says these things it does not mean thats how he feels about you ---- best wishes

Bfp, how to tell my partner?

wait until your other two children are in bed so you can talk about it properly and in private.. dont ring him you cant do it over the phone. :) xo