Saturday, August 13, 2011

Repudiate NAFTA and impose high tarrifs on Mexican goods coming in to the USA?

I think it's time we Americans started sticking it to Mexico. Rampant political corruption and the influence of the Catholic Churche's views on birth control, have kept our neighbor a country in turmoil. In Mexico, you are either very rich or very poor; there is almost no middle cl. The thing that makes the USA unique in the world is that it has a thriving middle cl: this is also the engine that drives our continued prosperity. Instead of building walls and talking about deporting 12 million people, while Mexico sits on its hands, a change in trade policy, tied to repatriation of illegal immigrants and Mexico securing its own border, could be the best way to pressure Mexico to conduct itself as a responsible nation and worthy neighbor. Let the rich people of Mexico figure out how to keep their fortunes if the USA imposes a 400% tariff on Mexian goods.

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